The film starts with an old man, Mr. Singh, narrating a story to an old woman as her memory is slipping day by day. Mr. Singh tells about young lovers Siddharth and Anjali. Anjali is a rich girl, but Siddharth is a poor man's son. Anjali's father disapproves of this affair and takes the daughter away. Dejected, Siddharth starts writing letters to her. He writes 365 letters in that entire year, but never hears from Anjali. She believes that he has forgotten her. Years pass and Anjali cannot find Siddharth, so she eventually plans to settle down with another man. Destiny, however, has other plans and the two lovers meet again. As the flashback ends, the film goes back to the elder couple. The old woman realizes that Mr. Singh was telling their own love story, and her memories of the past come rushing back. Mr. Singh is briefly happy, but his wife's memory leaves again.
As the movie was completed in 2008, the music of the movie was released on 13 June 2008. Soon before the release of movie in 2012, the most anticipated track of the movie was "Tu Mujhe Soch Kabhi" by KK.