ZEVS is a facility of the Russian Navy to transmit messages to submerged submarines in deep water using extremely low frequency (ELF) waves. It is located near Murmansk on the Kola Peninsula. As ZEVS works on 82 hertz, it can be only used for very rudimentary transmissions. Due to its extreme low frequency, the techniques used by ZEVS are quite different from those of standard transmitters.
The antenna used by ZEVS is a ground dipole. This is simply an arrangement of two widely separated electrodes, through which the transmission current is fed into the ground.
As ZEVS is a location of high strategic importance, nearly no official information of the facility is available. Nearly all of the following information was obtained from satellite imagery, which can be seen on Wikimapia.
The feeder line of the other ground dipole electrode turns from the stations in southwestern direction and then running northward, to finish at 68.7948802 N 33.6278419 E and 68.7948802 N 33.6278419 E. As there are no traces of ground wires buried in low depth visible, rods running deep into the ground may be used there for the grounding.
Book about scientific usage of ZEVS: Взаимодействие электромагнитных полей контролируемых источников СНЧ диапазона с ионосферой и земной корой: Материалы Всероссийского (с международным участием) научно-практического семинара. В 2 т. / Рос. акад. наук, Отд. наук о Земле, Кольский научный центр, Геологический институт; гл. ред. академик РАН Е.П. Велихов, зам. гл. редактора д.г.-м.н. Ю.Л. Войтеховский. – Апатиты, 2014. – Т. 1. – 206 с. (in Russian)