Yes - Honestly is a British television sitcom that aired on ITV between 9 January 1976 and 23 April 1977. It stars Donal Donnelly as Matthew Browne and Liza Goddard as Lily Pond Browne.[1] The series followed the course of their relationship, from first meeting – when unsuccessful music composer Matthew (affectionately known as Matt), who has little if any time for women, hires Lily Pond, a beautiful and witty woman of Russian ancestry as his typist – to their eventual marriage.[2] It is a sequel to No - Honestly and was written by Terence Brady and Charlotte Bingham and produced by Humphrey Barclay.[3][4] The theme song for the first series was composed and performed by Georgie Fame, while the second series used an instrumental version of "No, Honestly" written by Lynsey de Paul.[5]