^新邵基本概况 [Overview of Xinshao County]. Xinshao County People's Government.
^新邵县2015年国民经济和社会发展统计公报 [Statistical Communiqué of Xinshao County on the 2015 National Economic and Social Development]. Shaoyang People's Government. 2016-03-25. or sytj.gov
^邵阳市5乡撤乡设镇获省政府批准 涉及隆回新邵洞口 [result on adjustment of township-level administrative divisions of Xinshao County on 18 April 2016]. voc.com Hunan. 2016-04-18., rednet.cn
^more about the subdivisions of Xinshao County, also see the History of Xinshao County, xzqh.org