Wil Cwac Cwac is a Welsh-language children's animated television series produced by Siriol Animation for S4C in 1982. It is based on a series of children's books written in the early 1930s by Jennie Thomas and J. O. Williams, including the famous Welsh-language book Llyfr Mawr y Plant (Welsh for Big Children's Book). Both book and television series take place in rural Wales. An English-language version of the show (called Will Quack Quack) was produced for the wider English-speaking market, and the show was successful on the international market.[2] The first 20 episodes were dubbed in British English and aired on Children's ITV in 1984, with the remaining 10 following in 1986. In both versions, all narration and characters were voiced by Myfanwy Talog.[3] An American English dub was also made, with Liza Ross narrating, and aired in the United States on the Disney Channel as a segment on the program Lunch Box.
Wil (Will) (duck, the protagonist and title character)
Martha (duck, Wil's mother)
Hwmffra (duck, Wil's father)
Percy (duck, Wil's cousin)
Mari Pickles (duck, Martha's friend)
Sioni (friend; chicken, he wears a blue and white striped pants, a light blue coat and white scarf.)
Huw (friend; goose, he wears a blue shirt and yellow pants with red braces.)
Dic (friend; duck, he wears a pink shirt and red polka-dot pants.)
Ifan (friend; turkey, he wears overalls and a green shirt.)