Weird Travels purpose is to investigate and uncover some of the biggest mysteries in the world. The series features anything from paranormal-related to things out of the ordinary by traveling the globe to discover the truth on these subjects. Each episode consists of a certain theme: such as creepy creatures like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, exploring mysterious civilizations like the Maya and the Nazca, and searching for clues in the age old legend of the Holy Grail to the present phenomena of crop circles and UFOs.
The Weird, Wild West transports us to the legendary ghost towns, saloons, inns, and ceremonies haunted by the legends of the Old West. A haunted mining town and its ghost that roams the Santa Cruz Mountains is also featured.
"Mysteries of Route 66"
January 15, 2005 (2005-01-15)
Meet more than just a few "living" remnants along the most historic road in America's history.
"Phantoms of the Opera"
January 22, 2005 (2005-01-22)
Every good theater has a ghost, join us as we peer backstage at some of the country's most haunted theaters.
Scarred by a history of piracy, brutal slavery, and bloody Civil War battles, the South is fertile ground for everything strange, unexplained, and paranormal.
The Loch Ness Monster, the Lake Champlain Monster, Bigfoot, Mothman, and the Jersey Devil are all investigated, including the Men in Black's involvement with Mothman.
This episode features people who witnessed alien encounters around the world.
January 27, 2006 (2006-01-27)
This episode features UFO sightings around the globe.
"The Quest for the Holy Grail"
May 25, 2006 (2006-05-25)
From the magnificent carved symbols of Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel to mysterious codes hidden in books and monuments across England, we’ll track down secret clues to find out what the Holy Grail actually is and where it might be concealed.
"New Mexico's Visitors"
October 4, 2006 (2006-10-04)
Most of the paranormal attention in New Mexico has focused on Roswell and the alleged alien activity there, but, there's plenty of unexplained phenomena to go around, and aliens aren't the only strange visitors to make their presence felt.
"Creepy Capital City"
October 9, 2006 (2006-10-09)
While the city is known for its spirit of democracy, there are ghostly spirits in the city that have elected to stay behind to have their voices heard.
"Haunted Campuses"
October 10, 2006 (2006-10-10)
Murders, suicides, broken hearts, failed exams...much history is buried beneath the thick stone walls of college dorms, libraries, gymnasiums and dining halls.
"Frightening Florida"
October 16, 2006 (2006-10-16)
While Mickey Mouse invites tourists to visit his Haunted Mansion at Walt Disney World, very real haunted houses have been terrorizing Florida residents for centuries.
"Mystery of the Mayas"
December 6, 2006 (2006-12-06)
From Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula south to Belize, the Maya vanished hundreds of years ago. But where did they go? And what did they know? Search the dense jungles, ancient ruins and underworld for secrets to help unlock the great mystery of the Maya.
"Bizarre Boston"
December 13, 2006 (2006-12-13)
We’ll visit the ghosts of Boston and beyond, whose presence and as much a part of the city's history as tea parties and beans.