In mathematics, a von Neumann regular ring is a ringR (associative, with 1, not necessarily commutative) such that for every element a in R there exists an x in R with a = axa. One may think of x as a "weak inverse" of the element a; in general x is not uniquely determined by a. Von Neumann regular rings are also called absolutely flat rings, because these rings are characterized by the fact that every left R-module is flat.
An element a of a ring is called a von Neumann regular element if there exists an x such that a = axa.[1] An ideal is called a (von Neumann) regular ideal if for every element a in there exists an element x in such that a = axa.[2]
Every field (and every skew field) is von Neumann regular: for a ≠ 0 we can take x = a−1.[1] An integral domain is von Neumann regular if and only if it is a field. Every direct product of von Neumann regular rings is again von Neumann regular.
Another important class of examples of von Neumann regular rings are the rings Mn(K) of n-by-nsquare matrices with entries from some field K. If r is the rank of A ∈ Mn(K), Gaussian elimination gives invertible matricesU and V such that
(where Ir is the r-by-ridentity matrix). If we set X = V−1U−1, then
More generally, the n × n matrix ring over any von Neumann regular ring is again von Neumann regular.[1]
Generalizing the above examples, suppose S is some ring and M is an S-module such that every submodule of M is a direct summand of M (such modules M are called semisimple). Then the endomorphism ring EndS(M) is von Neumann regular. In particular, every semisimple ring is von Neumann regular. Indeed, the semisimple rings are precisely the Noetherian von Neumann regular rings.
The corresponding statements for right modules are also equivalent to R being von Neumann regular.
Every von Neumann regular ring has Jacobson radical {0} and is thus semiprimitive (also called "Jacobson semi-simple").
In a commutative von Neumann regular ring, for each element x there is a unique element y such that xyx = x and yxy = y, so there is a canonical way to choose the "weak inverse" of x.
The following statements are equivalent for the commutative ring R:
Special types of von Neumann regular rings include unit regular rings and strongly von Neumann regular rings and rank rings.
A ring R is called unit regular if for every a in R, there is a unit u in R such that a = aua. Every semisimple ring is unit regular, and unit regular rings are directly finite rings. An ordinary von Neumann regular ring need not be directly finite.
A ring R is called strongly von Neumann regular if for every a in R, there is some x in R with a = aax. The condition is left-right symmetric. Strongly von Neumann regular rings are unit regular. Every strongly von Neumann regular ring is a subdirect product of division rings. In some sense, this more closely mimics the properties of commutative von Neumann regular rings, which are subdirect products of fields. For commutative rings, von Neumann regular and strongly von Neumann regular are equivalent. In general, the following are equivalent for a ring R:
Goodearl, K. R. (1991), von Neumann regular rings (2 ed.), Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. Inc., pp. xviii+412, ISBN0-89464-632-X, MR1150975, Zbl0749.16001