The telenovela revolves around the story of Mexican diva Renata or "Reny" and Puerto Rican singing legend Chayanne. Other significant characters include Lalo, Tony, Sandra, Poncho and Jessica. Reny is a 26-year-old whose father leaves her a fortune upon dying. Reny who is an aspiring singer, dreams of someday meeting Chayanne. Chayanne is (in real life and in the telenovela) an international singing star and teen idol.[2]
Reny’s dream comes true when her boyfriend, Santiago, a music producer, arranges a meeting to happen after one of Chayanne's concerts. As the drama unfolds, Reny becomes increasingly famous, and her bond with Chayanne evolves into romance.
However, Santiago becomes increasingly jealous and angry. Reny becomes afraid of Santiago and starts seeing him less often. Santiago's lawyer, Tony, starts to develop an interest in Reny. While this plays out, Reny’s sister Sandra also becomes jealous of her success and the fact that their father left the family fortune to Reny.
Unknown to viewers for most of the telenovela is that Sandra suffers from a degenerative mental illness, which explains Reny’s father not leaving the fortune to Sandra. Sandra and Santiago create a diabolic plan where they will make Reny have an accident during one of her concerts. Their plan succeeds, leaving Reny paralyzed and with amnesia after her fall.
Eventually, she recovers and begins to walk again, and plans to return to the show business under the name of Chaquira. She uses this pseudonym to not tip off her enemies as to who she really is and that she's still alive.
Through all of this, and before Reny’s accident, a fan of hers, Lalo, becomes her friend and falls in love with her. This causes tension with Jessica, who has just broken up with Poncho. Jessica becomes enemies with Reny and her attraction towards Lalo fuels Poncho's anger and jealousy.
Chayanne had to leave Reny because of his professional compromises. During this time, Tony started to move in on her. He became her greatest ally and protector during the time she was in her wheelchair, and a great deal of love grows between them.
Tony ended up protecting Reny from Santiago, who himself ends up paralyzed and jailed. Jessica moved to Guadalajara, Jalisco after finding she was suffering a terrible disease, Lalo purposely gets himself killed in a motorcycle crash, and Chayanne decides that he and Reny should stay only as good friends due to their busy singing careers.
Sandra gets committed to a mental hospital. Reny starts using her real name again and makes a big comeback into the musical world where she goes on a tour. At the end, Tony marries her and they have a family together.