Filming for Vijayanand started on 24 October 2021 in Hubli, with a grand muhurat puja ceremony in the presence of the entire Karnataka press. As of December 2021,[update] the team completed 80% of the shoot. With the schedule being filmed in Hubli. A straight continuous schedule of 75 days was completed. The last leg of shoot was held in Hubli after the song sequences were shot at Kudremukh, Kapu beach, etc. Total number of shoot days being 98 days, The film has more than 66 sets (art sets raised), Total number of artists were 245 with the background artists exceeding 5000.
The film's music is composed by music director Gopi Sundar. The music album rights are owned by Anand Audio, an Indian music record label company in Karnataka.
The first official teaser was released on 2 August 2022. The teaser was released in four languages. It became the most liked teaser and received a massive response with 2 crore+ YouTube views in all four languages. The trailer and movie was released in the month of November and December 2022, respectively.