The seventh season of the Canadian television comedy series Video on Trial premiered on MuchMusic on September 19, 2011 and concluded on December 9, 2012. It consists of 42 episodes.
Video on Trial features music videos being humorously critiqued in a manner akin to a courtroom trial. The show's tongue-in-cheek manifesto, as announced in its original opening sequence, is seeing to it that "all music videos are brought to justice".[1] A typical half-hour episode features five music videos being "tried" by a panel of five personalities acting as jurors.
The seventh season of Video on Trial retains the abridged episode format introduced midway through the fifth season. A new graphical scheme for the series was introduced in episode 19.[2]
This is the first season not to include series regular Ron Sparks as a juror.
Trevor Boris, Debra DiGiovanni, Hunter Collins, Sabrina Jalees, Eddie Della Siepe, Trixx, Dini Dimakos, Sara Hennessey, Darrin Rose, and Andrew Johnston
December 26, 2011 (2011-12-26)
"Video on Trial: 20 Best of the Worst '11" — In a similar style to MuchMusic's former Fromage specials, the "worst" videos of 2011 are showcased. In traditional countdown style, the videos are presented in reverse numerical order, with the 20th-place video presented first and the 1st-place video presented last.
"We Found Love" and "Countdown" are tried for the second time overall (including their appearances in the "20 Best of the Worst '11" special), and for the first time in a regular-length episode.
Debra DiGiovanni, Trevor Boris, Sara Hennessey, Hunter Collins, and Trixx
"Disturbia" is tried for the third time overall (including its appearance in the season four "20 Best of the Worst '08" special), and for the second time in a regular-length episode.
"Kids" and "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" are tried for the second time.
Eddie Della Siepe hosts the episode, introducing each video on the docket and making various appearances throughout the actual trial segments.
Trevor Boris, David Kerr, Sara Hennessey, Hunter Collins, and Dini Dimakos
David Kerr, Hunter Collins, Trevor Boris, Eddie Della Siepe, Sabrina Jalees, Boomer Phillips, Andrew Johnston, Sara Hennessey, Darrin Rose, Debra DiGiovanni, and Dini Dimakos
December 9, 2012 (2012-12-09)
"Video on Trial: 20 Best of the Worst '12" — In a similar style to MuchMusic's former Fromage specials, the "worst" videos of 2012 are showcased. In traditional countdown style, the videos are presented in reverse numerical order, with the 20th-place video presented first and the first-place video presented last.
All videos except "Glad You Came", "One Thing", and "Die Young" are tried for the second time.
"Glad You Came" and "One Thing" are tried for the third time.
The original airing of this episode featured "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" as the second-place video. A recut version of the episode later aired that instead featured "Die Young" in second place.