She is the author of the book Certificates of Positivity for Real Polynomials—Theory, Practice, and Applications (Springer, 2021).[2] A review on MathSciNet said that "In the reviewer's opinion this is a very nice and concise presentation of the most important pillars of real algebra up to the present time"
Powers' work moved from abstract real algebraic geometry to more concrete questions related to positive polynomials in one and several variables and voting theory. Her collaborators have included Bruce Reznick, Eberhard Becker, Mari Castle, Claus Scheiderer and Thorsten Wormann.
Selected papers
1988 "Higher level reduced Witt rings of skew fields", Math Z., vol. 198, no.4, 545–554.
1991 "Holomorphy rings and higher level orders on skew fields", J. Algebra, vol. 136, no.1, 51-59.
1996 (with Eberhard Becker) "Sums of powers in rings and the real holomorphy ring", J. Reine Angew. Math., vol 480, 71-103.
1996 "Hilbert's 17th problem and the champagne problem", Amer. Math. Monthly, vol. 103, no.10, 879-887.
1998 (with Thorsten Wormann) "An algorithm for sums of squares of real polynomials", J. Pure Appl. Algebra, vol. 127, no.1, 99-104.
2000 (with Bruce Reznick) "Polynomials that are positive on an interval", Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 352, no. 10, 4677-4692.
2000 (with Bruce Reznick) "Notes towards a constructive proof of Hilbert's theorem on ternary quartics", Quadratic forms and their applications (Dublin 1999), Contemp. Math. vol. 272, 209-227.
2001 (with Claus Scheiderer) "The moment problem for non-compact semialgebraic sets.", Adv. Geom, vol.1, 71-88
2001 (with Bruce Reznick) "A new bound for Polya's theorem with applications to polynomials positive on polyhedra", J. Pure Appl. Algebra, vol.164, no. 1-2, 221-229.
2004 (with Bruce Reznick, Claus Scheiderer, and Frank Sottile) "A new approach to Hilbert's theorem on ternary quartics", C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 339, no.9, 617-620.
2017 "Positive polynomials and sums of squares: theory and practice" Real algebraic geometry, Panor. Syntheses, vol. 51, 155-180.
2019 "Power index rankings in bicameral legislatures and the US legislative system., Soc. Choice, Welf. vol. 53, no. 2, 179-196.
2024 Chapter "Who's Got the Power? Measuring Power in the US Legislative System" in book Teaching Mathematics through Cross-Curricular Projects, MAA Press, 2024 ISBN9781470474669
In May 2024, Powers was the recipient of Emory University's George P. Cuttino Award for mentoring.[6]
Powers is married to Colm Mulcahy, an Irish mathematician who had the same doctoral advisor.[7]