Vicente Pascual Pastor was formed in the Barcelona School of Architecture and again in his natal city, in 1891 he becomes municipal architect of Alcoy. He alternates this work with the teaching in the School of Arts and Alcoy's Trades, of which he will be the director in 1903.
Between 1909 and 1913 he becomes mayor of the Alcoy town hall. As a mayor he stimulated the construction of houses for workers in modern and healthy conditions. Inside the social and industrial life of the city, he was present in Alcoy's Savings Bank and in the institution Alcoy's Industrial Circle. He married in 1916 with Elena Perez, who had descent.
The Art Nouveau style of Vicente Pascual will have a few exuberant characteristics and a direct influence of the French and Belgian art nouveau.
The great majority of the projects realized by Vicente Pascual were built in Alcoy, being more than 60 the works that he realized along his life. He realized also some interesting works in Bocairent (Valencia) and Banyeres de Mariola (Alicante).
Edificio en la calle Sant Tomás número 23, en Alcoy, (1926).
Fundición de Vicente Miró en la calle Quevedo, en Alcoy, (1926).
Reforma de edificio de la Unión Alcoyana en la plaza de España número 21, en Alcoy, (1928).
Edificio en avenida L'Alameda número 59 para Pedro Zamora, en Alcoy, (1931).
^Doménech Romá, Jorge (2010). Modernismo en Alcoy, su contexto histórico y los oficios artesanales. Editorial Aguaclara. pages 293–294. ISBN978-84-613-8233-0.
Doménech Romá, Jorge (2010). Modernismo en Alcoy, su contexto histórico y los oficios artesanales. Editorial Aguaclara. pp. 295–296. ISBN978-84-613-8233-0.
Doménech Romá, Jorge (2013). Del Modernismo al Funcionalismo, características y evolución del movimiento modernista, el modernismo en Alcoy y Novelda (casos concretos). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante. p. 224. ISBN978-84-9717-267-7.
Charron, Jacqueline (2009). Grafixman, ed. Alcoy contado por sus piedras y vida de Vicente Pascual. Cocentaina. ISBN978-84-613-7040-5.
Jaén i Urban, Gaspar (1999). Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, Colegio Territorial de Arquitectos de Alicante, ed. Guía de arquitectura de la provincia de Alicante. p. 14. ISBN84-7784-353-8.