Veratrum species are vigorous herbaceousperennials with highly poisonous black rhizomes, and panicles of white or brown flowers on erect stems.[8] In English they are known as false hellebores, false helleborines, and corn lilies. However, Veratrum is not closely related to hellebores, helleborines, maize, or lilies.
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Veratrum is from the Latin word for "hellebore", of uncertain origin; Anatoly Liberman believes that the reconstructed Proto-Slavic term for the genus Veratrum, *čemerъ, is probably cognate with the English word hemlock, a plant similarly used for poison in antiquity.
Widely distributed in montane habitats of temperate Northern Hemisphere, Veratrum species prefer full sunlight and deep, wet soils, and are common in wet mountain meadows, swamps, and near streambanks.
The toxic alkaloids are only produced during active growth, and are degraded and metabolized during the winter months. Native Americans harvested their roots for medicinal purposes during their dormant period.
Native Americans were well aware of Veratrum's teratogenic properties and used the plants' juices, obtained by pressing their roots, to poison arrows before combat. The roots, when dried and ground into powder, were also used as an insecticide.[11] Western American Indian tribes have a long history of using these plants medicinally, and combined minute amounts of the winter-harvested root of these plants with Salvia dorii to potentiate the effects and reduce the herb's toxicity.[11]
Medical research
During the 1930s Veratrum extracts were investigated in the treatment of high blood pressure in humans. While initial results were promising, many of the patients suffered side effects due to the narrow therapeutic index of these products. Due to their toxicity and the availability of other less toxic drugs, use of Veratrum as a treatment for high blood pressure in humans was discontinued.[9]
Herbal medicine
Veratrum plants are known both in western herbalism and traditional Chinese medicine as toxic herbs to be used with great caution. It is one of the medicinals (Li lu, 藜蘆) cited in Chinese herbal texts as incompatible with many other common herbs because of its potentiating effects. Especially, many root (and root-shaped) herbs, particularly ginseng, san qi, and hai seng, will create and or exacerbate a toxic effect.[12]
The roots of V. nigrum and V. schindleri have been used in Chinese herbalism, where plants of this genus are known as li lu. Li lu is used internally as a powerful emetic of last resort, and topically to kill external parasites, treat tinea and scabies, and stop itching.[12] Some herbalists refuse to prescribe li lu internally, citing the extreme difficulty in preparing a safe and effective dosage, and that death has occurred with dosages of as little as 600 milligrams.[12]