The project titled as Vanjagar Ulagam was commenced in early 2017 by director Manoj Beedha which was his maiden directorial venture and also previously served as a former assistant of S. P. Jananathan.[5][6] Telugu actress Anisha Ambrose was signed up to play the female lead role and also marks her debut in Kollywood industry through this film.[7][8]
The film was bankrolled under production studio Labyrinth Films by Manjula Beedha. A popular Mexican cinematographer Rodrigo Del Herrara was hired as the main cinematographer to make high quality action sequences, and Saravanan Ramasamy is also selected for additional cinematographer as well.[9]
The film was also speculated to be the first Tamil film in Kollywood industry to combine both Carnatic and dubstep for an album song titled Kannanin Leelai.[10][11] The official trailer of the film was released by popular film director Gautham Vasudev Menon on 15 February 2018.[12] The film censored with clean "A" certificate from Tamil Film Producers Council.
The production of the movie was concluded in early 2018 and was slated to be released on 6 April 2018 but was later postponed to have its theatrical release in the month of August but delayed again due to the tight race at the box office.[18] The film was released on 7 September 2018.[19]