V.C. Andrews' Dawn is an American limited television thriller drama series based on the novel with the same name by V. C. Andrews and directed by Linda-Lisa Hayter. It stars Brec Bassinger as Dawn Longchamp and Donna Mills as her wicked grandmother Lillian Cutler. The series includes four movies: Dawn, Secrets of the Morning, Twilight's Child, and Midnight Whispers.[1] It premiered on Lifetime on July 8, 2023, and aired through July 29.[2][3]
Brec Bassinger as Dawn Longchamp aka Eugenia Grace Cutler
The first film received average reviews from critics, who noted Mills and Bassinger's performances. Joel Keller from Decider wrote in his review: "While it’s tempting to give V.C. Andrews’ Dawn a recommendation just on the strength of the performances of Mills and Bassinger, the rest of the first episode is cheaply made with an underbaked story and clunky dialogue."[8] Jasmine Blu from the TV Fanatic give it the positive review praising performances: "Bassinger had a daunting task ahead of her playing off against the iconic Donna Mills, but damn if she didn't hold her own!"[9]