From 1932, textbooks were published in the UNA. The UNA was used for fifteen out of the sixteen planned languages—all except Aleut.
After 1937, the UNA was abandoned, and those languages that were to continue to have an official writing system were to adopt Cyrillic. In practice, this spelt the end of writing for many of these minority languages; this halted their written use for decades to come.
Grenoble, L. A. (2003). Language policy in the Soviet Union (Vol. 3). Springer Science & Business Media.
^ abcЯ. П. Алькор (Кошкин), И. Д. Давыдов (1932). Материалы I всероссийской конференции по развитию языков и письменнсти народов Севера. — М.-Л.: Учпедгиз. (RSL,