The series was created and developed by Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan. She began developing the series late 2012. The series is part of the four new shows intended for the network's afternoon line up for the first quarter of 2013, alongside Forever, Bukod Kang Pinagpala, and Kakambal ni Eliana.[7] The series, which slated for 16-week run, was under the direction of Gina Alajar while Darling Pulido-Torres served as the executive producer.[8]
The majority of the cast was assembled in late January 2013. Lauren Young was the original choice of the network for the character of Anna Caruhatan, but was replaced by Kylie Padilla in the final casting.[9]Mark Herras and Pauleen Luna, were hired for the roles of Ed Manalastas and Connie de Ocampo, respectively.[10]Benjamin Alves was chosen to portray the character of Atty. Miguel de Ocampo. Alves described his role as "a dream come true," as he wanted to be a lawyer in real life.[11]Glydel Mercado took the role of Elvira Caruhatan which was previously offered to Jean Garcia.[12]
Salvador signed on to portray the series' antagonist Atty. Manuel de Ocampo.[13] Meanwhile, Martin took the role of Concha de Ocampo, which was initially offered to Agot Isidro.[14]
According to AGB Nielsen Philippines' Mega Manila household television ratings, the pilot episode of Unforgettable earned a 16.5% rating.[15] While the final episode scored a 14.1% rating.[16]