Uchūjin Mūmū (宇宙人ムームー, lit. "Alien Mumu") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiroki Miyashita. It was originally published as a one-shot published in Shōnen Gahōsha's Young King OURs magazine in April 2019. It later began serialization in the same magazine in June that same year. An anime television series adaptation produced by OLM is set to premiere in Q2 2025.
Written and illustrated by Hiroki Miyashita, Uchūjin Mūmū was originally published as a one-shot in Shōnen Gahōsha's Young King OURs magazine on April 30, 2019. It began serialization in the same magazine two months later on June 28.[1] Its chapters have been collected into seven tankōbon volumes as of May 2024.[4]
An anime television series adaptation was announced by Pony Canyon on November 28, 2024.[2] The series will be produced by OLM and directed by Tomoya Takahashi, with Keiichirō Ōchi handling series composition, Kenji Ōta designing the characters, and Kuricorder Quartet composing the music. It is set to premiere in Q2 2025.[3]