British television drama series
True Dare Kiss is a six-part British television drama series, created by screenwriter Debbie Horsfield, that first broadcast on BBC One on 28 June 2007. The series follows the reunion of four sisters and a brother following the death of their estranged father, as they embark on a long journey to uncover the truth, revealing secrets surrounding a cataclysmic event in the past. The series, produced by Marcus Wilson, is set in the city of Manchester in the North-West of England. Filming began on 8 January 2007.[1] The series featured a high-profile cast including Pooky Quesnel, Lorraine Ashbourne, Paul McGann, Dervla Kirwan, David Bradley and Paul Hilton. The complete series was released on DVD on 3 September 2007.[2] Horsfield was interviewed about how the Manchester-based story came to life in the Manchester Evening News.[3]
Main cast
Supporting cast
- Elliott Tittensor as JJ
- Samantha Blakey as Lola
- Helen Moon as Nancy
- Nick Fletcher as Dougie
- Nicky Bell as Ethan
- Carlton Dickinson as Georgie
- Anji Kreft as Lois
- Martin Wenner as Sven
External links