The six-part series follows a journalist, Hannis Martinsson (Ulrich Thomsen), who unexpectedly receives a message from Sonja, a daughter he did not know of, claiming that her life is in danger. He arrives in time to help search for her and discover her body. Initially the authorities assume accidental drowning, despite anomalies in the known facts. Hannis suspects her death may have something to do with her anti-whaling activism and that a local businessman, Ragnar, is somehow involved. Although the police officer investigating Sonja's death, Karla Mohr, is also suspicious of Ragnar, she conceals evidence that might lead suspicion to fall on her own son.[3]
Production work on Trom began in March 2021 and concluded in late 2021. The series was filmed in many locations across the Faroe islands, including Tórshavn and surrounding areas, and remoter villages such as Múli, Gjógv, Tjørnuvík, Velbastaður and Gasadalur.
The series was first shown on 12 February 2022 at a special event in Tórshavn and was broadcast the following day[4] on Kringvarp Føroya. It was made available from 13 February through Viaplay in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and in Australia through SBS On Demand.[5] The series was shown on BBC4 in the United Kingdom from 9 July 2022.[6] The series will be broadcast in Ireland and Belgium in Autumn 2022.