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2004 single by Nelly FurtadoExplodeSingle by Nelly Furtadofrom the album Folklore Released27 September 2004Recorded2003Length3:45Label DreamWorks Songwriter(s) Nelly Furtado Gerald Eaton Producer(s) Track & Field Nelly Furtado Nelly Furtado singles chronology Força (2004) Explode (2004) The Grass Is Green (2005) Music videoExplode on YouTube Explode is a song written by Canadian singer Nelly Furtado and Gerald Eaton for Furtado's second studio album, Folklore (2003). It is produced by E...

United States historic placePoston Elementary School, Unit 1, Colorado River Relocation CenterU.S. National Register of Historic PlacesU.S. National Historic Landmark District 1943 photoLocationPoston Road, former site of Poston War Relocation Center, Poston, ArizonaArea22 acres (8.9 ha)Built1943 (1943)Architectural styleAdobeNRHP reference No.12001010[1]Significant datesAdded to NRHPOctober 16, 2012Designated NHLDOctober 16, 2012 The Poston Elementary S...

Untuk Kutikula pada hewan, lihat Kutikula hewan. Daun tumbuhan herba memiliki kutikula untuk memperlambat kehilangan air Kutikula tumbuhan adalah lapisan pelindung pada seluruh sistem tajuk (bagian tumbuhan yang berada di atas tanah) tumbuhan herba yang berfungsi untuk memperlambat kehilangan air dari daun, batang, bunga, buah, dan biji.[1] Tanpa lapisan pelindung ini, transpirasi (hilangnya uap air melalui permukaan tumbuhan) pada hampir semua tumbuhan berlangsung sangat cepat sehing...

Canadiana SuiteAlbum studio karya Oscar PetersonDirilis1964Direkam9 September 1964GenreJazzDurasi35:10LabelLimelight RecordsKronologi Oscar Peterson Oscar Peterson Trio + One (1963)Oscar Peterson Trio + One1963 Canadiana Suite (1964) We Get Requests (1964)We Get Requests1964 The Canadiana Suite adalah album Oscar Peterson.[1] Album ini dirilis pada tanggal 9 September 1964. Daftar lagu Ballad to the East – 4:08 Laurentide Waltz – 5:20 Place St. Henri – 3:57 Hogtown Blues –...

Le informazioni riportate non sono consigli medici e potrebbero non essere accurate. I contenuti hanno solo fine illustrativo e non sostituiscono il parere medico: leggi le avvertenze. Questa voce sugli argomenti malattie e chirurgia è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Una convalescente. Foto di Paolo Monti. La convalescenza è il periodo intermedio che si trascorre nei giorni successivi a ...

Gabriel ByrneByrne memegang Herald Angel, penghargaan yang diberikan bagi dia pada 2006 Edinburgh International Film Festival.LahirGabriel James ByrnePekerjaanAktor, Sutradara, produser film, penulis adegan, penulisTahun aktif1979 – sekarangSuami/istriEllen Barkin (1988 – 1999)PenghargaanJacob's Award for Best Actor in a TV Series1979 BrackenNBR Award for Best Acting by an Ensemble1995 The Usual Suspects Gabriel Byrne (lahir 12 Mei 1950) merupakan seorang aktor berkebangsaan Irlandi...

Brazilian film award For other uses, see Otelo. AwardGrande Prêmio do Cinema BrasileiroAwarded forBest Brazilian filmsCountryBrazilPresented byMinistry of Culture (2000–2001)Academia Brasileira de Cinema (2002–present)First The Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro (English: Grand Prize of Brazilian Cinema), more popularly known as the Grande Otelo,[1] is a Brazilian film award[2] given annually by the Brazilian Academy of...

Disambiguazione – CISL rimanda qui. Se stai cercando l'organizzazione sindacale nota anche come CISL internazionale, vedi Confederazione Internazionale dei Sindacati Liberi. Confederazione Italiana Sindacati LavoratoriLogo La sede nazionale della CISL a Roma SegretarioLuigi Sbarra Stato Italia Fondazione30 aprile 1950 SedeRoma AbbreviazioneCISL IdeologiaCristianesimo sociale[senza fonte] InternazionaleCES, CSI Iscritti4 111 556[1] (2023) Sito web...
Ismaël Traoré Traoré bermain untuk Pantai Gading pada 2012Informasi pribadiNama lengkap Ismaël Abdul Rahman Roch TraoréTanggal lahir 18 Agustus 1986 (umur 37)Tempat lahir Paris, PrancisTinggi 1,85 m (6 ft 1 in)Posisi bermain BekInformasi klubKlub saat ini MetzNomor 8Karier senior*Tahun Tim Tampil (Gol)2006–2012 Sedan 154 (2)2012–2015 Brest 83 (1)2015–2022 Angers 222 (15)2019 Angers II 1 (0)2022– Metz 42 (1)Tim nasional2012–2020 Pantai Gading 19 (0) * Penamp...

Військово-музичне управління Збройних сил України Тип військове формуванняЗасновано 1992Країна Україна Емблема управління Військово-музичне управління Збройних сил України — структурний підрозділ Генерального штабу Збройних сил України призначений для планува...

You can help expand this article with text translated from the corresponding article in Spanish. (December 2016) Click [show] for important translation instructions. Machine translation, like DeepL or Google Translate, is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the English Wikipedia. Consider adding a topic to this template: there ar...

HMS Spider, an early model of torpedo gunboat In late 19th-century naval terminology, torpedo gunboats were a form of gunboat armed with torpedoes and designed for hunting and destroying smaller torpedo boats. By the end of the 1890s torpedo gunboats were superseded by their more successful contemporaries, the torpedo boat destroyers. History Chilean torpedo gunboat Almirante Lynch A number of torpedo gunboats, the prototype Rattlesnake of 1886 followed by the Grasshopper class (of 3 vessels)...

List of events ← 2002 2001 2000 2003 in Nepal → 2004 2005 2006 Decades: 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s See also: Other events of 2003 Timeline of Nepalese history Events from the year 2003 in Nepal. Incumbents Monarch: Gyanendra Prime Minister: Lokendra Bahadur Chand (until 3 June), Surya Bahadur Thapa (starting 3 June) Chief Justice: Kedar Nath Upadhyaya Events January January 26 - Armed Police Force Inspector General of Police Krishna Mohan Shrestha is killed along with his wife ...
Honnō-jiGedung Utama Kuil Honnō-ji.AgamaAfiliasiNichirenLokasiLokasiKyoto, JepangNegaraJepang Honnō-ji (本能寺code: ja is deprecated ) adalah kuil aliran Nichiren yang juga merupakan kuil agama Buddha yang berlokasi di Kyoto, Jepang. Gulungan kertas pengajaran honzon-nya adalah mandara-honzon (曼荼羅本尊) dari Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō. Sejarah Kuil Honnō-ji dikenal karena Insiden Honnoji. Oda Nobunaga bermalam disana sebelum perjalanannya ke wilayah barat untuk bergabung dengan eks...

Western Roman emperor from 457 to 461 MajorianSolidus of Majorian, marked:d·n· iulius maiorianus p·f· aug·Roman emperor in the West (unrecognized in the East) Reign28 December 457 – 2 August 461PredecessorAvitusSuccessorLibius SeverusEastern emperorLeo IDied7 August 461Dertona, Roman EmpireNamesIulius Valerius Maiorianus[1]FatherDomninus (possibly)MotherDaughter of Majorianus, magister militumReligionChalcedonian Christianity Majorian (Latin: Iulius Valerius Maiorianus; died 7 ...
هذه المقالة عن قرى مركز إدكو. لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع مدينة إدكو. مركز إدكو مركز مصري علمعلم شعارشعار خريطة مركز إدكوخريطة مركز إدكو التقسيم الإداري محافظة محافظة البحيرة القاعدة إدكو إجمالي البلاد التابعة 3 قرى الحكم والإدارة محافظ لا يوجد رئيس المركز نهال بلبع السكان ال...

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Guerre d'Espagne (homonymie). Guerre civile espagnole Dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre à partir d'en haut à gauche : char T-26 de l'armée républicaine pendant la bataille de Belchite ; Granollers après un bombardement par l'aviation allemande ; bombardement au Sahara ; troupes pendant le Siège de l'Alcázar de Tolède ; canon antiaérien de l'armée nationaliste pendant le siège de Madrid ; volontaires de la Brigad...

Cet article est une ébauche concernant les femmes ou le féminisme. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Souvestre. Marie SouvestreBiographieNaissance 28 avril 1830BrestDécès 30 mars 1905 (à 74 ans)SurreyNationalité françaiseActivités Éducatrice, pédagoguePère Émile Souvestremodifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Marie Claire Souvestre, née l...

Gran Premio di Francia 2011 Prova del mondiale SuperbikeProva 12 su 13 del 2011 Data 2 ottobre 2011 Luogo Circuito di Magny-Cours Percorso 4,411 km Clima secco Risultati Superbike gara 1 Distanza 23 giri, totale 101,453 km Pole position Giro più veloce Jonathan Rea Carlos Checa Honda in 1'37.490 Ducati in 1'38.643 (nel giro 4 di 23) Podio 1. Carlos ChecaDucati 2. Marco MelandriYamaha 3. Leon HaslamBMW Superbike gara 2 Distanza 23 giri, totale 101,453 km Pole position Giro più vel...

Lappo Lapua (finska) Kommun Lappo stads vapen Land Finland Landskap Södra Österbotten Admin. centrum Lappo centraltätort Area 751,8 km² (2016-01-01)[1] - land 738,15 km² - vatten 13,65 km² Folkmängd 14 203 (2021-12-31)[2] - män 7 075 (2020-12-31)[2] - kvinnor 7 146 (2020-12-31)[2] Befolkningstäthet 19,24 invånare/km²[2][1] Politik - Kommundir. Satu Kankare Kom...