Tommy is a 2015 Telugu-language drama film directed by Raja Vannem Reddy. This film is an adaptation of the real story of Hachiko. Produced by Babu Pictures, the film stars Rajendra Prasad and Seeta in lead roles with the music composed by Chakri.
The film begins at Bheemavaram, where Prof. Viswam, a respectable, resides with his wife, Annapurna & daughter. Once, he encounters a dog at the railway station, which chases him white on rice. Since compelled, he carries it home and plays hide & seek with his Annapurna as she detests the dogs. Gradually, a transformation occurs in her, too, and they adopt it. The master titles it Tommy, who rears under a shower of love, and the two share an eternal bond. Every day, Tommy gives a warm send-off to Master at the railway station and to greet him in the evening precisely on time. Now, a twist arises in the tale; one day, Tommy suddenly bars the Master from heading for duty, discerning some danger. Here, Master rebukes, proclaiming to stay at the railway station until his return. Tragically, as envisaged, Viswam Master dies of a heart attack. However, Tommy is waiting for him because he has not seen his Master for the last time. Even though Annapurna takes Tommy home, it often returns. Later, the family moves to Australia. For ten years, Tommy has been pining for its Master's presence at the same railway station, which makes the public kneel before its loyalty. At last, it leaves its breath one fine day therein, and they bury it next to his Master's tomb. Finally, the movie ends by showing Tommy merging with Viswam, Master in Heaven.
The film was released on 13 March 2015 to received mixed reviews. The critics appreciated the story, brilliant performances and rich production elements while criticising its old-fashioned narration.[6]123Telugu rated the film 2.75/5 and wrote, "Tommy has an interesting premise and beautiful content. First half of the film is decent and holds the viewers attention. But it is the second half which misses out on the emotions."[7]