Thunder in Carolina is a 1960 stock car racing film directed by Paul Helmick and starring Rory Calhoun, Alan Hale, Jr., and Connie Hines. Written by Alexander Richards, it contains 1959-vintage stock car race footage.
All filming was done during 1959 with much of the footage taken during the actual event. A film car was entered to capture on-track sequences and Rory Calhoun actually ran some laps during the race. Calhoun drives a two-tone 1957 Chevrolet, with a blue body and white top, while his friend-turned-competitor "Les York" is in a 1959 Oldsmobile.
The film is a "B" grade production in terms of budget but Thunder in Carolina managed to capture much of the sound and fury of the era.
The film was later marketed on home video as Hard Drivin' with a freeze-frame title spliced into the opening.
It grossed $271,847 in its first week in a 100 theater saturation release in the Carolinas.[2] The film was released nationally on July 15, 1960.[1]Quentin Tarantino is a fan of the film.[3]