The film premiered on Hallmark Channel on November 19, 2022, as part of Countdown to Christmas. Three Wise Men and a Baby received positive reviews from television critics and become the most-watched cable TV movie of the year.[2] A sequel, Three Wiser Men and a Boy, is set for a 2024 premiere.[3][4]
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During the Christmas season, three brothers find themselves watching over a baby that was found at the doorstep of one of the brothers' place of business. Now they must watch over it until its mother returns.
The film received positive reviews from television critics.[5][6] Brett White from the Decider gave it a positive review praising the performances, particularly Matt Hamilton.[7] It ranked #3 on Variety's "The 25 Best Hallmark Christmas Movies" list.[8]
Three Wise Men and a Baby became the most-watched movie on cable in 2022 with 3.6 million total viewers.[9]