Thomas & Friends: King of the Railway is a 2013 British computer-animated fantasycomedyadventure film that functions as the seventh feature-length special based on the British television series Thomas & Friends. The film was produced and distributed by HIT Entertainment with animation production by Canadian-based Arc Productions, who took over animation from Nitrogen Studios for the series and following specials from then on. It marks the debut of Mark Moraghan as the narrator for both English versions of the series. The movie centres on Thomas in the search for his new friend Stephen, who goes missing during the restoration of Ulfstead Castle.
The film had a two-day Limited theatrical release in the UK on 23 August 2013 and was released to DVD shortly afterward.[2]
In medieval times, Sodor was a kingdom under the rule of King Godred. One day, Godred's crown was stolen by thieves. Though the thieves were caught, the crown was hidden and considered lost forever.
In present day, Sir Topham Hatt announces to the engines that Sir Robert Norramby, the Earl of Sodor, is returning from his travels around the world for many years. Sir Robert has a project at the ruins of King Godred's castle at Ulfstead, but will not say what.
Thomas, James, and Percy are assigned to pull a heavy goods train to the castle. Once there, they encounter Jack the Front Loader, who informs them of the Earl's plans to restore the castle. The Earl tells them that one tall crate has to be taken to the Sodor Steamworks. At the works, the crate is opened to reveal an old and rusty engine: Stephenson's Rocket, referred to as Stephen.
The Earl says that he has a "special job" for Stephen but warns Thomas not to tell him just yet. However, upon his restoration, Thomas tells Stephen about the special job to boost his spirits. As expected, Stephen gets very excited and starts searching Sodor for his new job. Upon learning of an abandoned mine below Ulfstead, he heads there. The Earl tells Thomas, Percy, and James that the castle will be opened to the public as a tourist attraction and that Stephen's special job is to be their tour guide.
Stephen reaches the mine but is disappointed to see that the entrance is blocked. Meanwhile, Thomas and Percy lose control of some Troublesome Trucks, which drag them downhill and push Stephen into the mine. The impact causes a shower of rocks to trap him inside.
Upon learning that Stephen left the Steamworks, Thomas enlists everyone helping to search for him. Inside the mine, Stephen finds an old wooden chest, in which he finds King Godred's crown. Thomas brings Jack to the mine, who clears the fallen rocks, enabling Thomas to find Stephen and pull him out of the mine to safety.
At Ulfstead Castle's grand opening, the Earl unveils Godred's golden crown.