The Sharon Cuneta Show (also known as "Sharon" and "TSCS") is a Philippine television variety show broadcast by IBC and ABS-CBN. Hosted by Sharon Cuneta, it aired from September 14, 1986 to June 15, 1997, and was replaced by Wansapanataym.
Broadcast History
The two-hour musical spectacle produced by Viva Television initially aired on IBC from September 14, 1986 to February 28, 1988.[1] After its one-year run on IBC, the top-rated show moved to ABS-CBN where it became a Sunday night staple from March 6, 1988 to June 15, 1997. The show ran for eleven years on Philippine television.[2] It was the last weekly primetime musical variety show to be aired by ABS-CBN in 1997. Clips from the IBC's run of the show was shown on IBC's archival program Retro TV in 2003.
The ABS-CBN-run episodes of the show were shown on Jeepney TV under the title The Best of The Sharon Cuneta Show in 2018.