The Rough Riders is a 1927 American silentdrama film directed by Victor Fleming, released by Paramount Pictures, and starring Noah Beery, Sr., Charles Farrell, George Bancroft, and Mary Astor. Due to the public apathy towards silent films, a sound version was also prepared early in 1928. While the sound version has no audible dialog, it was released with a synchronized musical score with sound effects using both the sound-on-disc and sound-on-film process. The picture is fictional account of Theodore Roosevelt's military unit in Cuba.[2] This film had an alternate release title, The Trumpet Call.[3] The cinematography was by James Wong Howe and E. Burton Steene.
The sound version featured a theme song entitled “Goodbye Dolly Gray,” with lyrics by Will D. Cobb and music by Paul Barnes. Also featured was the song entitled “The Rough Riders”
which was composed by Hugo Riesenfeld.