The Real Bros of Simi Valley is an American mockumentary television series based in Simi Valley, California. The satirical comedy both pays homage to and lampoons the culture of Southern California, and several stereotypes and tropes of unscripted reality shows, with hyperbolic emphasis on exaggerated dramatic elements, and canned infighting among the show's cast.
Jimmy Tatro and Christian A. Pierce co-created and executive produce the series and have written every episode. After directing season one with Michael J. Gallagher, Tatro directed every episode of seasons two and three. Tatro also stars alongside Nick Colletti, Tanner Petulla, and Cody Ko as the titular "Bros", with supporting cast members including Colleen Donovan, Peter Gilroy, Monette Moio, Monica Joy Shere, and Maddy Whitby.[1] The series follows the lives of four friends ten years after their high school graduation.[2]
The first season was released on YouTube and included four episodes.[3] The second season was released November 30, 2018 on Facebook Watch.[1] The third season was released on February 14, 2020. Other executive producers include Mike Rosenstein and Studio 71’s Dan Weinstein, Michael Schreiber, Adam Boorstin and Anjuli Hinds.[2] The show is a parody of Jersey Shore and The Real Housewives.[4] The series received a nomination at the 10th Shorty Awards for best web series.[5]
The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie film was released on July 4, 2024 on The Roku Channel.[6]