1977 American thriller film directed by Richard Compton
The Ransom is a 1977 American thriller film directed by Richard Compton and starring Oliver Reed, Deborah Raffin, Stuart Whitman and James Mitchum.[1] It is also known by the alternative titles Assault in Paradise and Maniac.
In a 1978 interview with the Los Angeles Times, co-screenwriter Ronald Silkosky said that the film had been heavily trimmed by New World Pictures prior to release.
The film was rereleased several times with titles such as Assault in Paradise, Maniac, The Town That Cried Terror and Night Hunter.
An extended 104-minute alternate version is included as a bonus feature on the Blu-ray disc release of the film by Code Red.[2]
- Alastair Phillips & Ginette Vincendeau. Journeys of desire: European actors in Hollywood : a critical companion. BFI, 2006.
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