2018 TV series or program
The Land of Boggs is an American animated web series created by Brent Sievers and Lizz Hickey. Produced by BuzzFeed Animation Lab, it was released on Instagram in 2018.
The series began on Instagram, but later also went onto TikTok, Facebook and YouTube.
In February 2023, producer Frederator Studios signed a deal with BuzzFeed Animation Lab to produce a full-length series based on The Land of Boggs.[4][5] Several other BuzzFeed properties are included in the deal, such as Chikn Nuggit. [6]
A spin-off series, Ultimate Guy Pals, created by Sievers and Simeon Kondev, began releasing on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok in June 2023, although this series would be cancelled and all shorts being posted on The Land of Boggs' YouTube channel as a compilation.
In 2024, co-creator and showrunner Lizz Hickey was laid off from BuzzFeed, leading to the show's animator Simeon Kondev becoming a showrunner of the series alongside Sievers.[7]
The Land of Boggs is about two best friends, Boggo and Boe, learning to embrace the wondrous chaos that comes with growing up, as they weave in and out of trouble.[8]
Voice cast and characters
- Kate Peteman (2018–2023) and Dawn M. Bennett (2024–present) as Boggo, a blue Bogg who is an introvert.
- Emily Curran briefly played Boggo in 2023.
- Kelsey Impicciche as
- Boe, an orange Bogg and Boggo's best friend who is an extrovert.
- Selorm Kploanyi briefly played Boe in 2024.
- Aiden, an orange Bogg and Boe's younger brother.
- Betsy, an orange Bogg and Boe's mother.
- Selorm Kploanyi briefly played Betsy in 2024.
- Anna May, an anime Bogg and Aiden's girlfriend.
- Brent Sievers as Mark, a blue Bogg who is an outcast and nobody really likes.
- Nate Charpentier as Iscream, a terrifying demon disguised as a cute rabbit who often kidnaps Boggo and Boe. Iscream originates from Chikn Nuggit, another web series by BuzzFeed Animation Lab.[citation needed]