"The Green Meadow" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft and Winifred V. Jackson written in 1918/1919 and published in the spring 1927 issue of The Vagrant.[1] As in their other collaboration, "The Crawling Chaos", both authors used pseudonyms — the tale was published as by "Elizabeth Neville Berkeley" (Jackson) and "Lewis Theobald, Jun." (Lovecraft). Lovecraft wrote the entire text but Jackson is credited since it was based on a dream she had experienced.
In 1913, near the (fictional) seaside village of Potowonket, Maine, a meteorite crashes into the sea. A fishing vessel hauls in the meteor, and scientists soon examine it. Within the meteor is a small notebook, made of some indestructible material and written in classical Greek. The notebook is the first-person account of a man trapped on a small, disintegrating island who seems threatened by shadowy forces and ultimately discovers Stethelos, a city from Lovecraft's Dream Cycle Mythos.
The city Stethelos is also mentioned in the short story "The Quest of Iranon".