The Girl in Lovers' Lane is a 1960 American film directed by Charles R. Rondeau following the adventures of two drifters who get involved with the residents of the little town of Sherman.[2] The working title of the film was The Young and the Damned. It was released by Filmgroup as a double feature with The Wild Ride.
Plot summary
Danny is a young adult from a wealthy family. He runs away from home because his parents are divorcing. Hopping into a railroad boxcar, Danny meets Bix Dugan, a long-time drifter who agrees to mentor Danny. Danny's naivete leads him to a variety of precarious situations from which Bix must extract him.
Stopping in small town, Danny and Bix get jobs in a diner. Bix becomes romantically involved with the waitress Carrie and re-examines his lifestyle. This earns him the ire of Jesse, a troubled character in the town who is fixated on Carrie.
In a fit of jealousy, Jesse assaults Carrie, but Bix is accused of her subsequent death. Carrie's father Cal attacks Bix in a drunken rage before Danny forces Jesse to confess.