The Game Channel launched on April 8, 2011 on Destiny Cable. It conducted its initial test broadcast from April 8, 2011 until September 29. Recently, it had launched its initial broadcast on BEAM Channel 31 on August 15, 2011. It had its official broadcast together with its former affiliated free TV network BEAM Channel 31 on September 30, 2011. On October 1, 2011, The Game Channel (together with its latter free-to-air broadcasting partner – BEAM TV Channel 31) was formally launched on SkyCable via channel 84 (in compliance with the NTC's rules of must-carry basis) and it was available through its digital platform.
The Game Channel & CHASE
On December 24, The Game Channel limited its broadcast on daytime sharing with a new channel CHASE (later Jack City and now CT) which takes over the evening block.
Chase goes 24
In the middle of February 2012, while CHASE started its broadcast, there is an investigator note appeared on every show of Chase (which is located on the lower-left side on the TV screens). Noted that CHASE goes 24. After that event, on February 15, 2012, The Game Channel bid farewell to the Free-TV Viewers. Chase took all over its permanent blocktime broadcast. This network was broadcast on Destiny Cable (channel 89) on the same day.
Replaced by My Movie Channel
After almost 3 years of broadcasting, The Game Channel announced that they would no longer be broadcasting on television effective February 28, 2015 and gave thanks to its viewers before they signed off for the last time. It was replaced by My Movie Channel, which can be seen on Destiny Cable (Digital) Channel 219 (Analog) Channel 89 and Cablelink (Digital) Channel 225, starting on March 1, 2015. However, it did not last long, as Solar Entertainment announced that My Movie Channel would also cease to exist just four months later, on July 1, 2015.