The Four is a 2008 Hong Kong television series produced by TVB. The series is adapted from Woon Swee Oan's novel Si Da Ming Bu (四大名捕; The Four Great Constables). The novel tells the story of four young constables: Heartless, Iron Fist, Chaser, and Cold Blood, who work together to solve cases and attempt to bring down the corrupt Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty.[1] The series is shown to celebrate TVB's 41st Anniversary.
Note: Some of the characters' names are in Cantonese romanisation.
The leader of the four young constables. Adopted by Chukot Ching-ngor, Heartless is Chukot's first student. He specializes in making and using small weapons, such as darts and knives. Although paralysed waist down, Heartless uses a wheel chair that encases many hidden weapons. Heartless' primary role is the brains of the group, gifted with an analytical mind and brilliant deductive skills
Chukot's second student. Possessing extreme arm strength, Iron Fist specializes in fist work and boxing. He represents the humane face of the constabulary, being raised by a humble but honest blacksmith
Chukot's third student and the eldest of the four young constables. With strong and fast legs, Chaser possesses great energy, specializing in leg work. A former petty criminal, he is the most streetsmart and is often assigned to do undercover assignments
Chukot's fourth student and the youngest of the four young constables. Cold Blood is extremely talented in wielding swords. A former assassin, his life was saved by the Chief Constable, in which Cold Blood agreed to serve for one year as repayment. Raised in the wilderness, Cold Blood possesses keen senses and outdoor skills
Villain to Semi Villain Chief Ling Xiaogu and Ling Xiao-Dao's father. Killed by Ling Siu-kwat in Episode 23 under Choi King's influence and orders but only died in Episode 24