Like many animated series created by Hanna-Barbera in the 1970s, the show contained a laugh track created by the studio, one of the last productions to do so.
When Frank Frankenstone's X-rays are mistaken for Fred's, the doctor tells him he only has 24 hours to live. Dazed by the news, Fred vows to do good deeds on his final day. After giving gifts to friends, he takes Wilma, Barney and Betty to the La Coo Coo Rocko restaurant where they dance the night away and go roller-skating. After falling asleep with exhaustion, Fred wakes up the next morning with the news that rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated and that it was all a mistake.
On October 9, 2012, Warner Archive released Fred's Final Fling on DVD in region 1 as part of their Hanna–Barbera Classics Collection, in a release entitled The Flintstones Prime-Time Specials Collection: Volume 2. This is a Manufacture-on-Demand (MOD) release, available exclusively through Warner's online store and[3]