The Fearway is a 2023 American horror film directed by Robert Gajic and starring Shannon Dalonzo, Eileen Dietz, Simon Phillips, and Jessica Gray.[1][2][3]
A young couple is traveling in their car along the famous Highway 66, which runs through the Death Valley. Suddenly, they notice a strange pursuer behind them. This trip will turn to be a real repeated nightmare in a time loop for them.[4][5]
Paul Mount of Starburst stated, "The resolution is quite clever if a little under-developed, the cinematography is superb for a low budget feature and the film works to create a sense of tension and unease rather than full-blooded horror (there’s nothing gory or unpleasant here)."[6] Roger Crow of On-Magazine.UK commented, "So while it’s a relief that this isn’t just another stalk and slash thriller on an impressive desert highway, the twist, when it comes, is straight out of The Twilight Zone. Which is no bad thing."[7] Leslie Felperin of The Guardian commented, "This lumpy, tedious horror thriller teases a big mystery as to what’s really going on for a couple who keep finding themselves back on the same stretch of highway no matter which direction they drive off in."[8] Sean Cockwell of My Bloody Reviews stated, "Director Robert Gajic and writer Noah Bessey have concocted a fast-paced, well-produced and photographed movie that remains enjoyable throughout regardless of familiarity with the plotting and the initial aggravation of spending too much screentime with the central couple. There’s a very brief cameo from THE EXORCIST’s Eileen Dietz and a solid turn from one of our favourite actors Simon Phillips – as The Manager."[9]