"The Family Madrigal" is a song from Disney's animated musical film Encanto (2021), released as part of the film's soundtrack on November 19, 2021, by Walt Disney Records. It was written by American singer-songwriter Lin-Manuel Miranda, and sung almost entirely by American actress Stephanie Beatriz, featuring a small refrain by American actress Olga Merediz; "The Family Madrigal" is the opening number of Encanto, and is performed by the protagonists Mirabel and Alma Madrigal, respectively, in the film.
Mirabel introduces her multigenerational Colombian family and their magical powers to the audience with the song, which has been described as an uptempo vallenato tune with a rapoutro. Music critics complimented its folk instrumentation and upbeat nature. Commercially, it reached numbers 7, 18, and 20 on the UK Singles, the Irish Singles, and the US Billboard Hot 100 charts.
"The Family Madrigal" is a song from Disney's 2021 animated musicalfantasy film, Encanto. It is the opening song of the film's soundtrack, released by Walt Disney Records on November 19, 2021. "The Family Madrigal" was written by American musician Lin-Manuel Miranda. It is mostly sung by American actress Stephanie Beatriz, who voices the film's protagonist, Mirabel Madrigal. Olga Merediz, who provides the singing voice for Mirabel's grandmother Alma "Abuela" Madrigal, appears briefly in the song.[1]
Billboard writer Katie Atkinson called the song an "impossibly peppy" track.[1]ScreenRant critic Jeremy Crabb praised its catchy melody and said it "does a good job introducing each character of the family and the abilities they possess",[5] while the same website's Martyn Warren said "it's an energetic and fun song that is sure to be one that anyone will surely dance, or at the very least, smile along with."[6] Drew Taylor of The Wrap wrote the song delivers "what is essentially exposition in the catchiest way possible.[7]