The Dreaded Summons and Other Misplaced Bills, published on May 15, 2017, is the third collection of children's short stories written by Lorin Morgan-Richards.[1]
The book begins with Tina Teatree, a child that along with her cat are neglected by her parents due to their obsession with gadgets, who learns to become independent but forms a habit of weeding that ultimately leaves her stuck in a mystical area of cacti to cope with her family dilemma.[2] The stories move through other unusual experiences from the title story of a friendship between an introvert and a manatee to the delightfully silly misadventures of the Breakfast Hunter who is trying to retrieve a morning coffee.[3][4]
Tina TeaTree and Her Picky Habit
The Breakfast Hunter
The Dreaded Summons
The Perplexing Adventure of Fig B. Willingsbee
Shirley Short
The Weathering of J.J. Witweather
An audiobook was released in 2018 casting Jason Shepherd as narrator with a special music introduction by Jay Hwang (ButterFly Music) and Jie TS.