The Canadian Experience

The Canadian Experience is a television documentary series shown on CBC Television; each of its one-hour episodes present an event or story from Canadian history. The first episode aired on January 22, 2004. The series is produced by the CBC Documentary Unit, the team behind Canada: A People's History.


  1. "The Queen and the Skipper: The Story of The Bluenose" - The history of the famous racing schooner
  2. "Talking Canadian" - A look at distinctly Canadian English words and modes of speech
  3. "The Underground Railroad: Flight to Freedom" - The Canadian role up to and during the American Civil War
  4. "Year of the Hunter" - The making of Nanook of the North, the first true documentary film
  5. "Expo 67: Back to the Future" - The success of the World's Fair in Montreal, and its effect on Canada
  6. "Sisters in the Wilderness" - The story of Susanna Moodie and her sister Catharine Parr Traill, writers in early-19th-century Upper Canada. two-hour episode
