2004 British TV series or programme
The Brief is a British crime drama series first broadcast on ITV on 25 April 2004.[1] The series follows the work of defence barrister Henry Farmer (Alan Davies), whose complicated personal life manages to overlap into his work.[2] Other stars in the series include Linda Bassett, Christopher Fulford and Cherie Lunghi. After critical acclaim and strong viewing figures for the first series of four episodes, a second series was commissioned, which began transmission on 7 October 2005.
However, the second series did not achieve the same viewing figures as the first; and following rumblings of the possible return of Jonathan Creek, Davies quit the role and a third series was not commissioned. However, both series were subsequently released in a double DVD box set on 27 April 2009,[3] and were digitally released via the ITV store on 14 February 2016.[4]
The Brief follows the work of defence barrister Henry Farmer (Alan Davies), whose complicated personal life manages to overlap into his work. With an overbearing workload, debt and alimony payments to meet, as well as being in love with the wife of a prominent politician who won't leave her husband for him, Henry is forced to set his own demons to one side to tackle cases that only he can win. The show was described by the Radio Times as an "engaging blend of courtroom drama, suspense, intrigue and humour".
Episode list
Series 1 (2004)
Series 2 (2005)
External links