1972 British TV drama series
The Befrienders is an 11-episode British television series produced by the BBC in 1972. The series was originally a play by the Reverend Chad Varah, founder of the mental health charity the Samaritans.[1] Called Nobody Understands Miranda, the story was loosely based on casework undertaken by the Samaritans staff.[1][2] The leading cast members were Megs Jenkins and Michael Culver.
A 1975 study published in The British Medical Journal found that although The Befrienders did not have preventative effects, it did result in an influx of calls to the Edinburgh branch of the Samaritans.[3] In 2022, the Express & Echo reported that the show had inspired a volunteer at the organisation's Exeter, Mid & East Devon branch to work with the Samaritans for fifty years.[2]
The Befrienders was first aired as a single play as part of the Drama Playhouse strand in 1970, which was followed by one series of eleven episodes. Of these eleven, nine are believed to exist.[citation needed]
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