The orphaned Mary Jane Patterson (Jane Withers) is under the guardianship of Manuel Hernandez (Leo Carrillo), once known as the bandit El Gato, who led a gang of outlaws. Mary Jane wants Hernandez to revive the El Gato gang to rescue the feckless Donald (William "Bill" Henry), the lone survivor of a stage coach robbery engineered by the town's crooked sheriff (Henry Wilcoxon).
It's been a decade since El Gato rode, and Hernandez is now too fat for his bandit costume. Mary Jane aids the rescue by vandalizing the saddles of the sheriff and his posse. When El Gato does rescue Donald, he is arrested. During the ensuing trial, Mary Jane provides special pyrotechnics, and the courtroom is evacuated.
When Mary Jane finds the stash from the stagecoach robbery hidden in the sheriff's office, Hernandez is appointed as the new sheriff.[1][2]