October 14, 1995 (1995-10-14) – August 10, 1996 (1996-08-10)
The Adventures of Hyperman is an American animated series that aired from October 14, 1995 to August 10, 1996 on CBS.[1] The show features an intergalactic sheriff fighting the evil monster Entrobe and his sidekick Kidd Chaos. Hyperman is joined by his own sidekicks, Studd Puppy and 13-year-old science genius Emma C. Squared.[2] The only voice actor to appear in both the game and the cartoon is Frank Welker.
The program is based on a video game of the same name. The game was created by Kevin O'Donnell, Ken Corr and Crag Southard. It was released as a CD-ROM by IBM prior to running as an animated series.[3]