The Adventures of Grady Greenspace is a children's TV programme that was originally a French/Canadian programme called "Les Enquêtes de Chlorophylle" (roughly translated as "The Investigations of Chlorophylle"), which was co-produced by Damned Productions (Paris), la Société Française de Production, France 3, Productions Espace Vert (Montreal) and Logos Distribution [1]Archived 5 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine and aired between 1992 and 1993 [2].
The shows characters were a combination of around twelve puppets and a large number of live animals.[4]
Chlorophylle (French) / Grady Greenspace (English) - The show's main protagonist. A black and white dormouse that solved crimes and environmental issues with the aid of his friends. Grady lived inside an old building and slept in a human's old slipper.
Anthracite (French) / Scuzzy (English) - The main antagonist of the series. Scuzzy was a black rat and leader of a group of animals called the Rafia or the "Creepy Crawlers", who were usually the cause of the problem that Grady was trying to solve. Occasionally, however, Grady and Scuzzy had to join forces to deal with other antagonists. [5]
Maeva (French) / Rhonda (English) - A white rat that was the sister of Scuzzy, but far sweeter and nicer than her brother. She was also Grady's love interest.
Live Animals
The Council - A group of Eurasian eagle owls that many local animals often consult when they needed advice