1942 film by Robert Emmett Tansey
Texas to Bataan is a 1942 American Western film directed by Robert Emmett Tansey. The film is the seventeenth in Monogram Pictures' "Range Busters" series, and it stars John "Dusty" King as Dusty, "Davy" Sharpe and Max "Alibi" Terhune, with Marjorie Manners, Steve Clark and Budd Buster.
This is the first in the series with "Davy" Sharpe taking the place of Ray "Crash" Corrigan as one of the leads.
The film is also known as The Long, Long Trail in the United Kingdom.
Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Army buys some horses from the Range Busters' ranch for service in the Philippines. The cowboys tangle with Axis spies in both Texas and in the Philippines.
- John "Dusty" King - "Me and My Pony" (Written by John "Dusty" King)
- John "Dusty" King - "Goodbye Old Paint" (Traditional)
- John "Dusty" King - "Home on the Range"
Further reading
See also
The Range Busters series:
External links