The back and sides of this slug are brownish and darker, with some brown and yellowish spots. Near the foot the body is yellowish, with a greenish or orange hue. The shape of the body is somewhat conical when crawling (the anterior part being wider than the posterior part, and the posterior part is truncated). The points of origin of the lateral grooves are about 5 mm apart at the mantle; they are not joined. The sole is yellowish.
The shell rudiment is located on the posterior section of the dorsum. It is almost parallel-sided and large, with its apex pointing downwards, and the basal end of the aperture pointing upwards. The shell is greenish or brownish with two whorls and a keeled suture.
Animal 6–12 cm, shell 13-17 x 7-11 x 3.5-3.5 (height) mm.[3]
Morocco (Atlantic coast) Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, Portugal, Spain, Channel Islands, France (Atlantic coast) and the British Isles (Britain and Ireland)[4]
^Férussac, A. E. J. P. J. F. d'Audebard de & Deshayes, G.-P. 1819-1851. Histoire naturelle générale et particulière des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles, tant des espèces que l'on trouve aujourd'hui vivantes, que des dépouilles fossiles de celles qui n'existent plus; classés d'après les caractères essentiels que présentent ces animaux et leurs coquilles. - pp. Tome 1: 8 + 184 pp.; Tome 2 (1): [1-3], 1-402; 2 (2): 1-260, 1-22, [1-2], i-xvi [= 1-16]; Atlas 1: 70 pl.; Atlas 2: 166 + 5 pl.J.-B. Bailliere, Paris.