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Department store chain in Mexico See also: Sears in Latin America This article is about the Mexican chain of department stores. For the American department store chain, see Sears. For the defunct Canadian chain of department stores, see Sears Canada. For other uses, see Sears (disambiguation).This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links, and by adding encyclopedic content written fr...

Type of knot Trucker's hitchTrucker's hitch with alpine butterfly loopNamesTrucker's hitch, dolly knot, Wakos transport knot,[1] lorry driver's hitch,[2] harvester's hitch,[2] hay knot,[3] sheepshank cinch,[3] trucker's dolly,[4] wagoner's hitch,[4] power cinch,[5] rope tackle[6]CategoryHitchRelatedversatackle knot, sheepshankTypical useMaking a rope very tight, such as to secure an object to a vehicleCaveatCan produce ex...

American singer and songwriter Malvina ReynoldsReynolds photographed by Diana Davies, c. 1965Background informationBirth nameMalvina MilderBorn(1900-08-23)August 23, 1900San Francisco, California, U.S.DiedMarch 17, 1978(1978-03-17) (aged 77)Berkeley, California, U.S.GenresFolk music, bluesOccupation(s)Singer, songwriter, political activistInstrument(s)Vocals, acoustic guitarLabelsColumbia/CBS RecordsMusical artist Malvina Reynolds (August 23, 1900 – March 17, 1978)[1] was an Am...

Pour les articles ayant des titres homophones, voir Alamand et Allamand. Expansion des Alamans du IIIe siècle au VIe siècle. Les noms indiquent les lieux de batailles, la ligne noire la frontière (limes) nord-est de l'Empire romain. Les Alamans ou Alémans (du germanique all-mann, litt. « tous les hommes » , « gens de toutes sortes » ou hommes complets ; en allemand Alamannen ou Alemannen) étaient une confédération de nations germaines principalem...

2015 song by Drake Hotline BlingSingle by Drakefrom the album Views ReleasedJuly 31, 2015 (2015-07-31)GenrePopR&BLength4:27LabelCash MoneyYoung MoneyRepublicSongwriter(s)Aubrey GrahamPaul JefferiesTimmy ThomasProducer(s)Nineteen85Drake singles chronology Charged Up (2015) Hotline Bling (2015) Right Hand (2015) Music videoHotline Bling on YouTube Hotline Bling is a song recorded by Canadian rapper Drake, which serves as the lead single from his fourth studio album Views (201...

District in north London, England This article is about the locality. For the wider borough, see London Borough of Haringey. Human settlement in EnglandHarringayHarringayLocation within Greater LondonPopulation22,627 (2011 Census)[1]OS grid referenceTQ316678London boroughHaringeyCeremonial countyGreater LondonRegionLondonCountryEnglandSovereign stateUnited KingdomPost townLONDONPostcode districtN4, N8, N15Dialling code020UK ParliamentTotten...

Sebuah pementasan dari Macbeth (2018) Pementasan drama adalah sebuah bentuk karya seni pertunjukan yang menyajikan alih wahana teks naskah drama atau pertunjukan teatrikal yang hadir secara fisik di atas panggung atau teater. Dalam pementasan drama, berbagai elemen seperti dialog, gerakan panggung, ekspresi wajah, dan intonasi suara digunakan oleh aktor untuk membawa karakter dan cerita menjadi hidup. Selain itu, elemen-elemen desain seperti latar belakang, properti, kostum, pencahayaan, dan ...
Comics character SaturnynePublication informationPublisherMarvel Comics; Marvel UKFirst appearanceUK: The Mighty World of Marvel: Marvel Superheroes #381 (Jan 1982)US: Excalibur Special Edition (1987) #1Created byDave Thorpe Alan DavisIn-story informationAlter egoOpal Luna SaturnyneSpeciesHumanTeam affiliationsCaptain Britain CorpsNotable aliasesOmniversal Majestrix, Her Royal Whyness, White Witch Opal Luna Saturnyne is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Mar...

Rhytidodera Rhytidodera integra Klasifikasi ilmiah Kerajaan: Animalia Filum: Arthropoda Kelas: Insecta Ordo: Coleoptera Famili: Cerambycidae Genus: Rhytidodera Rhytidodera adalah genus kumbang tanduk panjang yang tergolong famili Cerambycidae. Genus ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Coleoptera, kelas Insecta, filum Arthropoda, dan kingdom Animalia. Larva kumbang dalam genus ini biasanya mengebor ke dalam kayu dan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada batang kayu hidup atau kayu yang telah diteb...


لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع وزارة التربية (توضيح). جمهورية العراق وزارة التربية العراقية وزارة التربية وزارة التربية (العراق)شعار وزارة التربية العراقية تفاصيل الوكالة الحكومية البلد العراق الاسم الكامل وزارة التربية العراقية المركز بغداد، العراق الإحداثيات 33°22′04″N...

Українська гімназія № 1 Тип гімназіяКраїна Україна 48°56′41″ пн. ш. 24°41′17″ сх. д. / 48.944588° пн. ш. 24.688167° сх. д. / 48.944588; 24.688167Девіз Scientia vinces (Знаннями переможемо)Засновано 1905 (відновлено 1992)Закрито 1944Директор Дейчаківський Ігор ІвановичУч...

Pour l'album de Bertrand Cantat, voir Amor fati (album). Portrait de Friedrich Nietzsche Amor fati est une locution latine qui fut introduite par le philosophe allemand Friedrich Nietzsche au XIXe siècle (et non par le stoïcien romain Marc Aurèle, comme on le dit parfois)[1]. Amor fati signifie « l'amour du destin » ou « l'amour de la destinée », ou plus communément le fait « d'accepter son destin ». Concept L’amor fati est souvent assimilé au...

Сравнительные величины заднего фокусного расстояния и общей длины объективов различных типов. (1) - для симметричного анастигмата (Dagor); (2) - для несимметричного анастигмата (Tessar); (3) - для телеобъектива (Telikon/Телемар); (4) - для объектива с удлинённым задним отрезком (Flektogon/Мир) �...

Questa voce o sezione sugli argomenti veicoli militari e seconda guerra mondiale non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Segui i suggerimenti dei progetti di riferimento 1, 2. M26 PershingDescrizioneTipoCarro armato medio Equipaggio5 Utilizzatore principale Stati Uniti Altri utilizzatori Italia Francia Belgio Corea d...

Kembang angin Anemone Anemone coronariaTaksonomiKerajaanPlantaeDivisiTracheophytaOrdoRanunculalesFamiliRanunculaceaeGenusAnemone Linnaeus, 1753 Tata namaDinamakan berdasarkanAnemone (en) Sinonim taksonAbelemis Raf. ex Britton Anemanthus Fourr. Flammara Hill Hartiana Raf. Pulsatilloides (DC.) Starod. [1] Anemon ( /əˈnɛməniː/ ) adalah genus tanaman berbunga dalam keluargaRanunculaceae . Tumbuhan dari genus ini biasa disebut kembang angin .[2] Mereka berasal dari daerah beri...

MuggianoLa chiesa parrocchiale di Santa Marcellina Stato Italia Regione Lombardia Provincia Milano Città Milano CircoscrizioneMunicipio 7 Altitudine123 m s.l.m. Nome abitantimuggianesi MuggianoMuggiano (Milano) Muggiano (Muggian[1] in dialetto milanese, AFI: [myˈdʒãː]) è un quartiere situato all'estremità occidentale di Milano. Costituisce un piccolo borgo e conta circa 3 000 abitanti. Confina con Cesano Boscone, Cusago, Settimo Milanese e Trezzano sul ...

La bandiera Sudafrica unita a quella arcobaleno Le persone LGBT in Sudafrica godono degli stessi diritti delle persone eterosessuali. Il Sudafrica ha una storia complessa e diversificata per quanto riguarda i diritti umani delle persone LGBT. Il Sudafrica ricoperto dalla bandiera arcobaleno La Costituzione post-apartheid del Sudafrica fu la prima al mondo a mettere fuori legge le discriminazioni basate sull'orientamento sessuale e il Sudafrica fu il quinto paese al mondo a legalizzare il matr...

Large chromosome with thousands of DNA strands Polytene chromosomes in a Chironomus salivary gland cell Polytene chromosome Polytene chromosomes are large chromosomes which have thousands of DNA strands. They provide a high level of function in certain tissues such as salivary glands of insects.[1] Polytene chromosomes were first reported by E.G.Balbiani in 1881. Polytene chromosomes are found in dipteran flies: the best understood are those of Drosophila, Chironomus and Rhynchosciara...

Not to be confused with Ramona High School (Ramona, California). This article uses bare URLs, which are uninformative and vulnerable to link rot. Please consider converting them to full citations to ensure the article remains verifiable and maintains a consistent citation style. Several templates and tools are available to assist in formatting, such as reFill (documentation) and Citation bot (documentation). (August 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Public school in Riverside,...