Terror (Oka Polisodi Katha) is a 2016 Indian Telugu-language action thriller film written and directed by Satish Kasetty. Produced by Shaikk Mastan, the film features Srikanth in the lead role with Nikita, Nassar, Ravi Varma, Kota Srinivasa Rao and Prudhviraj in supporting roles. The film revolves around honest police officer Vijay who finds out about an imminent terror attack on the city, and has to act before time runs out, despite the involvement of politicians and some of those from his own department.
Terror was released worldwide on 26 February 2016 to positive critical acclaim.[citation needed] Following the positive reception, the film gained more screens and eventually turned out to be a box office hit.[1]
Srivathsan Nadadhur of The Hindu rated the film three-and-a-half out of five stars and wrote, "Terror is a rare razor-sharp cop film that stays loyal to the storytelling patterns it adopts, right from the start. Taking the least of cinematic liberties and avoiding commercial compromises, it is a nail-biting film that hardly strikes a false note."[3] Ch Sushil Rao of The Times of India gave it two out of five stars and wrote that "The film is a bit lengthy with no comedy to tickle your funny bone."[4] Jeevi of Idlebrain gave it three out of five stars and wrote that "Terror breaks a lot of stereotypes in Telugu and stands out as a film that sticks to it’s genre. There are neither songs nor comedy scenes. It doesn't bore you despite having a serious story."[5]