Tendlya is a 2023 Marathi-language comedy drama film directed by Sachin J Jadhav and Nachiket Waikar Music by Bhanu Dhande. The film starring Adwaita Jadhav, Sambhaji Tangde, Ankita Yadav, Vitthal Nagnath Kale, Ketan Visal and Firoz Shaikh. The film won the National Film Award for Best Audiography at India's 66th National Film Awards. It was theatrically released on 5 May 2023.[1]
Firoz Shaikh as Gajya
Aman Kamble as Tendlya
Adwaita Jadhav
Sambhaji Tangde
Ankita Yadav
Vitthal Nagnath Kale
Ketan Visal
Tendlya movie received positive reviews from critics. Jaideep Pathakji of The Times of India gave the film 3 stars out of 5 and Wrote "While there are certain loose ends and the flow of the film drops in between, largely, the young makers have hit this one out of the park".[2] A reviewer of ABP Majha Says "This film, which tells about the relationship with the god of cricket, directly touches the hearts of the audience due to its rural setting. This is the success of this movie".[3] A reviewer of Maharashtra Times wrote "In short, this 'Tendlya' has hit the ground running. This thing of dream fulfillment is 'striking'".[4] A reviewer of Sakal says "This is not just a film about cricket fanatics, people who like Sachin Tendulkar, but also about human beings. Therefore, people of every generation must watch it".[5]