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Klinik NHS di Pensby, Wirral, Inggris Klinik adalah suatu fasilitas kesehatan publik kecil yang didirikan untuk memberikan perawatan kepada pasien luar. Biasanya klinik hanya mengobati penyakit-penyakit ringan seperti demam dan sebagainya, sedangkan kasus-kasus yang lebih parah diajukan ke rumah sakit. Artikel bertopik bangunan dan struktur ini adalah sebuah rintisan. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia dengan mengembangkannya.lbs

Lisa Tucker Lisa Tucker (lahir 13 Juni 1989) adalah seorang penyanyi dan penulis lagu Amerika.[1][2] Ia adalah anak ketiga dari tiga berssaudara.[1] Ia merupakan keturunan Afrika, Amerika, dan Belize.[1] Salah satu kegemarannya ialah snorkeling bersama ayahnya.[1] Namanya mulai dikenal setelah ia berhasil menjadi salah satu finalis American idol musim kelima.[1][2] Ia adalah kontestan perempuan termuda yang pernah ada di American idol sa...

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Ayumu SasakiKebangsaanJepangLahir4 Oktober 2000 (umur 23)Yokosuka, Kanagawa, JepangTim saat iniRed Bull KTM Tech3No. motor71 Catatan statistik Karier Kejuaraan Dunia Moto3Tahun aktif2016– PabrikanHonda, KTM Klasemen 202016th (52 poin) Start Menang Podium Pole F. lap Poin 72 0 1 1 1 205 Ayumu Sasaki (佐々木 歩夢code: ja is deprecated , Sasaki Ayumu, lahir 4 Oktober 2000) adalah pembalap motor Jepang. Karier Pada 2015 Sasaki adalah juara Asia Talent Cup dan finis ketiga di Red Bull ...

Promotion of the ideology of communism Comrade Lenin Cleanses the Earth of Filth by Viktor Deni, 1920 Clock hand labeled communism about to cut off a top-hatted and brandy-nosed caricature head labeled Capital as the caption reads The final hour! Communist propaganda is the artistic and social promotion of the ideology of communism, communist worldview, communist society, and interests of the communist movement. While it tends to carry a negative connotation in the Western world, the term pro...

Peta wilayah dengan kasus koronavirus terkonfirmasi (merah) (pada 4 Maret)PenyakitCOVID-19Galur virusSARS-CoV-2LokasiMonakoTanggal kemunculan29 Februari 2020 (4 tahun, 1 bulan, 2 minggu dan 2 hari)AsalWuhan, Hubei, TiongkokKasus terkonfirmasi144[1]Kasus dirawat26Kasus sembuh114[1]Kematian4[1]Tingkat kematian3.51% Pandemi COVID-19 di Monako adalah bagian dari pandemi seluruh dunia penyakit koronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) yang disebabkan oleh sindrom pern...

Voce principale: Unione Sportiva Lecce. Unione Sportiva LecceStagione 1993-1994 Sport calcio Squadra Lecce Allenatore Nedo Sonetti (1ª-11ª) Rino Marchesi (12ª-34ª) Presidente Franco Jurlano Serie A18º posto (retrocesso in Serie B) Coppa ItaliaSecondo turno Maggiori presenzeCampionato: Ceramicola, Biondo, Gatta, Gerson (31)Totale: Biondo, Ceramicola, Gerson (33) Miglior marcatoreCampionato: Baldieri (7)Totale: Baldieri (7) StadioStadio Via del Mare 1992-1993 1994-1995 Si invita a se...

1953 Italian film This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: I Vinti – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2023) (Learn how and whe...

15-й окремий гірсько-штурмовий батальйон(з 2016) 15-й окремий гірсько-піхотний батальйон(2004—2016) 327-й механізований полк(1992—2004) Нарукавний знак батальйонуНа службі 1992 — дотеперКраїна УкраїнаВид Сухопутні військаТип Гірська піхотаУ складі 128 ОГШБрГарнізон/Штаб ...

ABA 2 Liga 2018-2019 Competizione ABA 2 Liga Sport Pallacanestro Edizione II Organizzatore ULEB Date 27 settembre 2018 - 8 aprile 2019 Partecipanti 12 Risultati Vincitore Primorska(1º titolo) Secondo MZT Skopje Statistiche Miglior giocatore Marko Jagodić-Kuridža Cronologia della competizione 2017-2018 2019-2020 Manuale La ABA 2 Liga 2018-2019 è stata la 2ª edizione della ABA 2 Liga, il secondo livello della Lega Adriatica. La vittoria finale è stata ad appannaggio degl...

American historian (born 1938) Herbert P. Bix (born 1938)[1] is an American historian. He wrote Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, an account of the Japanese Emperor and the events which shaped modern Japanese imperialism, which won the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction in 2001. Bix was born in Boston and attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst.[1] He earned the PhD in history and Far Eastern languages from Harvard University. He was a founding member of the...

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فلوران توفان Florian Thauvian توفان في عام 2015 معلومات شخصية الاسم الكامل فلوران تريستان ماريانو توفين[1] الميلاد 26 يناير 1993 (العمر 31 سنة)[2]أورليان، فرنسا الطول 1.79 م (5 قدم 10 1⁄2 بوصة) مركز اللعب لاعب خط وسط الجنسية فرنسي معلومات النادي النادي الحالي أودينيزي الر�...

此條目需要擴充。 (2008年4月26日)请協助改善这篇條目,更進一步的信息可能會在討論頁或扩充请求中找到。请在擴充條目後將此模板移除。 倫敦大學伯貝克學院Birkbeck, University of London校训In nocte consilium(In the night)创办时间1823年,倫敦機械學院1866年,伯貝克文學和科學學院1907年,伯貝克學院1920年,加入倫敦大學URN编码(英语:Unique Reference Number)133905学校类型公立大學捐...

American director and actor This article may contain an excessive number of citations. Please help remove low-quality or irrelevant citations. (July 2023) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Gabriel BarreBornJames Gabriel Barre (1957-08-26) August 26, 1957 (age 66)NationalityAmericanAlma materAmerican Academy of Dramatic ArtsOccupation(s)Director and actorSpouseTricia PaoluccioParent(s)James Lyman Barre, Hallie Susan HebbWebsitegabrielbarre.com Gabriel Barre (born James Gabr...

Politics of Chad Constitution Human rights Government President Mahamat Déby Vice President Vacant Prime Minister Allamaye Halina National Assembly (dissolved) President: Vacant Judiciary Supreme Court Administrative divisions Regions Departments Elections Recent elections Presidential: 20212024 Parliamentary: 20112024 Political parties Foreign relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs and African Cooperation Minister: Mahamat Zene Cherif Diplomatic missions of / in Chad Passport Visa requireme...

IV Campionati europei di corsa in montagnaEuropean Mountain Running Championship 1998 Competizione Campionati europei di corsa in montagna Sport Atletica leggera Edizione 4ª Organizzatore European Athletic Association Date 5 luglio 1997 Luogo ItaliaSestriere Partecipanti 125 atleti Sito web european-athletics.org Risultati Vincitore Antonio Molinari Rosita Rota Gelpi Statistiche Miglior nazione Italia Gare 2 Cronologia della competizione Ebensee 1997 Bad Kleinkirchheim 1999...

Species of roundworm Trichinella spiralis Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Nematoda Class: Enoplea Order: Trichocephalida Family: Trichinellidae Genus: Trichinella Species: T. spiralis Binomial name Trichinella spiralis(Owen, 1835) Trichinella spiralis is a viviparous[1] nematode parasite, occurring in rodents, pigs, bears, hyenas and humans, and is responsible for the disease trichinosis. It is sometimes referred to as the pork worm due to it...